Friday, June 4, 2010

In Everyday life Excess of even a Virtue is Bad

In Everyday life Excess of even a Virtue is Bad
A young man was very fond of doing athletic exercises. He used to go very regularly to the gymnasium from seven to eight o1 clock in the morning. In course of time his marriage was fixed, and the auspicious time was de­termined to be at half - past seven in the morning. On the day of the marriage the groom went to the gymnasium as usual. All preparations for the marriage were completed and he was sent for a number of times; but he would not come. He said, This is the time fixed by me for exercise. I will not come until that is past.' "This is how a virtue may be practised to immoderation in everyday life", is what ShriMaharaj said.

To Attain Total Surrender to God is the Goal of life as a Human Being.

To Attain Total Surrender to God is the Goal of life as a Human Being.

Having been born as a human being, what is it that one should aim to attain ? While answering this question ShriMaharaj said, "At present you are a slave of your mind. By your practice of worship of God, the mind should become your slave, and complete mastery over the mind is attained. But even this is not enough. One needs to attain the state of the mind's total subjugation, annihila­tion, utter surrender to God or to the Sadguru."