Friday, June 29, 2012

Poojya Sri Ramaseshaiah's Memorial Day - 28-6-2012

Sri B.C.Prasad celebrated the memorial day of his father Sri B.S. Ramaseshaiah in his house at Whitefield,Bangalore on 28th. He had arranged Bhajan in the evening from 6.30 p.m. at
'Chaitanya Bharathi' hall in his residence.
Sri B.S.Ramaseshaiah was a staunch devotee of Sri Brahmachaitanya Maharaj and used to do Bhajans (Raghu pathi raghava raja ram Patita pavana seeta ram) hours together non-stop. He used to go round Chintamani for Ramadasi Bhiksha chanting the Bhajan from 7 2.00p.m (or more), every Thursday.. The rice and money thus collected was for the maintenance of the Chintamani Mandir.He did this nearly for 50 years. In his memory, devotees from Chintamani Mandir participated in the Bhajan program at White-field.
