Thursday, October 21, 2010


A fruit-dealer said to ShriMaharaj, "An ordinary per­son immersed in domestic life, and saints leading domes­tic life, like Ekanath, both appear to be involved in worldly affairs. What then is the difference between the two?  ShriMaharaj quickly said, "Saints appear to be involved in worldly affairs, while an ordinary person is involved in worldly affairs. No matter how much a mango-stone is squeezed, a trace of juice keeps sticking to it. Likewise, a person in domestic life remains involved, if only a little bit, in some matter or other. But the seed of a chikoo comes out clean, with nothing sticking to it. Similarly, a saint in domestic life lives detachedly in worldly life. He seems to be involved in worldly affairs but is actually not."

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