Friday, December 3, 2010


ShriMaharaj always used to say that he who has placed himself in my hands should not be sorrowful; he should always be happy and contented. Upon this a lady once said, "Some occasions of loss and bereavement are so ex­tremely unbearable that one cannot remain without griev­ing. What is to be done in such a case?"  ShriMaharaj then said, "Lady, when a crabby woman dies, her daughter weeps and her daughter - in - law too weeps. The daughter's weeping has an edge that she is now permanently dis­tanced from her maternal home, while a daughter - in-law's weeping is tinged by a sense that she will now get some freedom. One who has the sense that the relation­ships, pleasures and pains, unions and bereavements, aris­ing in domestic life arise in accordance with earlier ac­tions and are inescapable, and to that extent imperma­nent, will mind the sorrow only to a limited extent. This sense is created and consolidated by namasmarana; so all should sincerely chant nama.'

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