Thursday, December 19, 2013

Centenary celebrations - Rama Sthoopa erected.

First day program for the 100th  Aradhana of Sri Brahmachaitanya Maharaj
A determination was made about two months back to get devotees write the Tarak Nam ( Sri Rama Jayarama jaya jaya Rama) for One crore and 13 lakh times before the Aradhana this year. Books were issued by the Mandir to the interested. Many people all over the town and other places took to the writing the Ram nam with pleasure. and the number was completed in time. To commemorate the  100th Aradhana of Sri Maharaj ( incidentally this is also the 100th year for Maharaj giving darshan to Sri G.Venkannaiah and calling him to Gondavale and asked him to construct a small Rama Mandir), A stone "Rama sthoopa" was installed over the books  written with Tarak Nam. A Large number of devotees had the darshan of Sri Ram and Sri Maharaj on the ocasson.

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