Thursday, December 19, 2019

Shri Brahmachaithanya Pravachan-Dec.19

Vedanta is for Practising it.
The mere pedantic study of vedant is little use if not put into practice in daily life. Its bookish knowledge is little better than the knowledge of preparing various dishes, while the stomach remains hungry; neither is it of practical use. Scholars couch their philosophical talk in an unintelligible jargon, bewildering the common man, who then feels that philosophy is beyond his ken and beyond ,use in daily life. As a matter of fact, philosophy is for every human being; a man, indeed, needs it for guidance in his daily activity and behaviour. True philosophy aims at making our narrow mind liberal, replacing selfishness by selflessness.
Desire is basically subtle; it takes a palpable form through the medium of the body; this is worldliness. As against this, the Ultimate Reality is subtler than the subtlest. Consequently, the means whereby we can realize God must be such as will convert the palpable into the impalpable; nama is the one such means.
It often happens that spiritually advanced souls get involved in some desire, to satisfy which they have to live another life; so they take birth in a spiritually favourable atmosphere. In a short while they get their desire satisfied, and quit worldly life at a comparatively early age. It is therefore improper to lament their death.
Desire can never end, no matter how much you try to fulfil it. The only antidote is constant association with God, who is desireless. One who lives in constant chanting of nama lives in God, and thereby vanquishes desire. When desire ends, God's grace descends.
The sages who had attained to God had acquired such a subtle state of mind that they never thought, 'I do,' 'I speak,' 'I compose this verse'; they always felt 'God does,' 'God says,' 'God has composed this mantra.' They feel this in the depth of their heart. The vedas, being composed in such circumstances, in a trance so to say, must evidently be considered 'divine verses,' not human compositions.
Live happily in the pleasant feeling that Rama is everything, and I am nobody, insignificant.

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Unknown said...


I am daily checking for the blogpost. and seeing the pics as well.

Can you post the pravachanas in Kannada font?

As well post the audio files on e snips / youtube... etc....Need any help... I can do some

Raghunath said...

Dear Sri Kiran,
I wish to post the pravachanams in Kannada also. But, It will take some time as I am having some problems with the fonts.
Regarding the audio, I am sorry, I have not yet learnt how to post the audio reccordings. Also, I do not have the full reccordings of the programmes.
I am glad to know that you are checking the post, and thank you very much.
- Raghunath