Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sri Brahmachaithanya Pravachan-April.8.

Meditate on Nama with a Doubt-free Mind

When asked to practise nama people usually advance excuses. In point of fact, however, there is no real impediment. Stray thoughts throng the mind even when we are doing any other action; why, then, should we feel upset if such thoughts crowd the mind during meditation? As soon as you find time, take to chanting nama with faith.
Two pedestrian travellers saw a grove of mango trees. They asked the keeper if they could have some mangoes. He replied, "Yes, you may eat as many mangoes as you can in fifteen minutes." One of the travellers started eating the mangoes, while the other plied the keeper with questions about the owner of the grove, the tax paid on the grove, and so on. At the end of fifteen minutes, the keeper said, "Time for you to go". The first traveller had his fill, while the other had to depart without tasting a mango. This parable teaches us that instead of wasting time on idle inquiries we should start practising nama with implicit faith. We should go on with the practice whether or not we have understood its significance, as Dhruva did on being enjoined by Narada. He raised no doubts and queries, stuck to nama as the sole abiding truth, and thereby propitiated God. The saints are selfless souls and guide us with great sincerity; therefore, we should practise nama with trust in their word, and simply get saturated with it.
How long should we repeat nama? Until we get lost in it; for, once that happens nama will remain with us for ever. Nama is the highest truth. Spiritual knowledge, worship of deities, performance of rituals, etc., are undertaken to attain God and emancipation; but nama-smarana is the simplest and easiest path to it.
A large fortress was absolutely impregnable. It had a large gate secured by a strong lock. One person, however, managed to get hold of the key. Then entrance became absolutely easy. Nama is the key to emancipation. It makes attainment of God a simple matter. People complain that love for and faith in nama do not come easily. However, we may trust in what the saints preach, and take to nama wholeheartedly, incessantly. This is bound to lead to contentment. If we repeatedly chant nama we can certainly shake off the shackles of 'the body-am-I ' feeling.
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